Poker dealers are the face of a casino’s poker experience, so it’s important that they’re well-compensated. This article will explore the answer to the question “How much do poker dealers make?”

In general, the initial salary that casinos advertise for a poker dealer position is quite low. This is understandable, as this is an occupation that relies on tips and a lot of it. It’s not uncommon for players to tip a dealer $20 or more after winning a pot or receiving great service. However, this is far from enough to allow a dealer to live a comfortable lifestyle in many parts of the United States.

The reality is that, even with the help of tips, the minimum wage for a poker dealer is barely enough to get by. This is particularly true in places like Las Vegas, where the cost of living is high. In these situations, a dealer who makes the minimum wage will still only be making about $15 an hour. This is not enough to pay for rent or food and is definitely not enough to support a family.

Luckily, there are ways to increase a poker dealer’s salary. One way is to work in a higher stakes poker room. This will lead to increased earnings, as the tips will be much more substantial. Another way is to learn how to read players. This can be a huge advantage in terms of earning tips, as it allows a dealer to know how much to expect from each individual player.

There are also some countries that offer better salaries for poker dealers. For example, UK poker dealers can make a very decent living by working in their casinos. This is due to the fact that this country has a very strong tipping culture. It’s not unusual for a poker dealer to earn over $100,000 a year, including tips, when working in a high-end London casino.

So, if you’re interested in becoming a poker dealer, the first thing that you need to do is start looking for jobs. You can do this by using online job boards or going to your local job fairs. In addition to this, you can also use social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram to find opportunities. However, it’s important to remember that this is not an easy job and that you will need to put in a lot of effort in order to become successful. It may take months or years before you see any real results, but if you are committed and work hard, then this can be a very rewarding career path.

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